Michigan Department of Corrections Web Site. http://www.michigan.gov/corrections
OTIS is the offender search tool to use on the site to locate an inmate http://mdocweb.state.mi.us/OTIS2/otis2.html
“JPAY” which is used to put money on the inmates account, and to email the inmate. http://www.jpay.com/
“Secure Pak”, which is things you can purchase for them (food, hair care products, snacks, batteries, etc. https://www.accesscatalog.com/
Visitor request form http://www.michigan.gov/documents/corrections/CAJ-103_MDOC_Visiting_Application_222547_7.pdf
Michigan prisons and locations and phone #’s
http://www.michigan.gov/corrections/0,4551,7-1 19-1381_1385—,00.html
This link is a packet of information worth printing out to keep on hand for family of the incarcerated: or you might want to remember to search a certain subject when needed.
Time served is determined by sentencing laws already predefined. You can find them here: http://courts.mi.gov/education/mji/Publications/Documents/sg-manual.pdf
Information on the tether program which does cost: