
I have placed a couple letters which I have received in the past, just to give an example for this page. In the future I hope to be able to post some of your more interesting letters as writers. Thanks You, Rosie

Hello Gerrit, Received your J-Pay letter early this week & was really pleased to hear from you. As matter of fact I was looking forward to hearing from you shortly after our visit. An sure enough the following Monday. I truly Thank You Sir. As for our visit, I truly enjoyed our fellowship & look forward to continue on in the very near future if at all possible. Its truly a blessing to visit & being able to fellowship in the Lord. I am like a sponge, I want to learn all I can about the Lord Jesus. I always have a lot of questions. I need to learn in the Word. Joshua 1:8, Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth, meditate on it day & night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you’ll be prosperous & successful! That’s Me uh! Haven’t received your 3 page letter yet. I’ll let you know. I’ll be looking forward to it. I remember what you told me about calmness in the Lord. I sincerely appreciate all of your wisdom & knowledge that you share with me Gerrit. I’ll get this off now. May God bless & take care my friend. Hope to hear & see you in the very near future. I enjoy your company Sir. Love You- Jon


Hello Gerrit –
I just wanted to take a few minutes of your time to say THANK YOU so very much for your time, support and love. You have gone above and beyond in being in my corner. I am so very thankful you were my representative and I think you did a wonderful job! Like I said you are just like my dad in that your focus is to love, to forgive and to be humble. Yes, I wish I was not in need of a rep. to speak on my behalf before the parole board, but we can only move forward and I know I can and will stay focused.
I think I presented myself pretty good and yes there are some things I wish I would have mentioned but for the most part I am at peace with how the hearing went. I truly believe I have used this time in prison to grow and learn and become closer to Jesus. I do wish I had mentioned my return to my faith and the building blocks that my parents instilled in me a little more. But none the less, it is now out of my hands and the wait continues…but THANK GOD that it is one step closer to eventually going home.
I am also thankful that you and Marie have finally connected with Brandee. She, like I said, is an amazing friend and I know she could use your support and belief in her. I look forward to all of us working, praying and growing together!
Well, please know that from the bottom of my heart I am thankful for EVERYTHING that you do and have done for me. I am blessed to have you in my life.
I will be in touch with you soon my friend.
Peace, love and hugs,