Our letter writing system makes it easy and safe to send letters to men who are languishing in prison. Once you login to our system, you are given your own profile. We will then match you with an inmate who matches your skills and interests. We will then help you write your first letter to assist you in building a relationship with your inmate. To write this letter, simply use any word processor. When it’s finished, copy and paste the letter you wrote into the text box for that purpose on our site and click submit. Every Saturday, we will print these letters, file them in envelopes, and drop them off at the Post Office. All letters are shipped from a local P.O. box; your address never appears on the letter. When your inmate responds to you, we will scan in his letter and post it to your profile on our site. You can read it there and write another letter in response. All outgoing and incoming letters will be saved to your profile.
We encourage you to participate in this valuable endeavor. Prison is an extraordinarily lonely place to be, especially for those who are Christians. We invite you to take part in this very valuable ministry. Please use this form to apply to become one of our writers.